Growing Mushrooms at Home - Elliot Webb

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23,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

A comprehensive and beginner-friendly guide to growing mushrooms in the home and garden, from the UK's leading seller of mushroom growing kits. Mushrooms are easy and fast to grow, highly productive, utilize waste products, have numerous health benefits and take up little space. Plus by growing your own you can have many more varieties than supermarkets can offer. This book is packed with everything

  • Na sklade
  • EAN: 9781804191958
  • Výrobca: Octopus Publishing Group
Popis produktu

A comprehensive and beginner-friendly guide to growing mushrooms in the home and garden, from the UK's leading seller of mushroom growing kits. Mushrooms are easy and fast to grow, highly productive, utilize waste products, have numerous health benefits and take up little space. Plus by growing your own you can have many more varieties than supermarkets can offer. This book is packed with everything you need to know in an easily digestible format. The book begins with an introduction - what is a mushroom, what is their history, how can they help us - before detailing how to grow them at home, including guides for all varieties and growing methods, plus troubleshooting problems and how to harvest. The book then covers what to do with your harvest - storage, turning them into health supplements, and which variety works best for each use. A final section looks at the future of fungi, and the ground-breaking research into using mushrooms for health, construction, protecting the environment and psychedelics.

Úžitková záhrada

V kategórii Záhrada nájdete podkategóriu Úžitková záhrada, ktorá je určená pre všetkých milovníkov záhradníctva a pestovania vlastnej úrody. Naša stránka ponúka široký výber informácií a tipov týkajúcich sa pestovania zeleniny, ovocia, bylín a koreňových plodín na vašej záhrade. Nájdete tu aj praktické rady na výber vhodných plodín pre vaše podmienky a tipy na účinnú ochranu rastlín pred škodcami a chorobami. Okrem toho sa dozviete, ako efektívne využiť priestor vo vašej záhrade, základy záhradnej architektúry a moderné trendy v oblasti úžitkovej záhrady. Nechýba ani radenie o udelení hnojív, správnom zavlažovaní a ekologických spôsoboch pestovania. Navštívte našu stránku a nechajte sa inšpirovať na ceste k zdravému a plodnému úžitku vo vašej záhrade.

  • Autor: Elliot Webb
  • EXPRES_KURIER: 2,99 €
  • ZASILKOVNA: 2,09 €
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